Monday, January 28, 2013


KP Wellness

16:32 (edited)  -  Public
Vaginitis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment - Diseases and Conditions - PDR Health -

 Treatment of Recurrent Vaginitis
Bacterial vaginosis
Clindamycin, 300 mg orally twice daily for 7 days
Metronidazole, 500 mg orally twice daily for 7 days prior to menstruation, followed by 500 mg orally twice daily for 3-5 days after menstruation

After first failure: Metronidazole, 500 mg twice daily for 7 days
For repeated failures: Metronidazole, 2 g in a single dose daily for 3-5 days
If infection continues: consider metronidazole susceptibility testing

Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Intensive initial regimen for 10 to 14 days, followed by up to 6 months treatment with:
Ketoconazole, 100 mg orally once daily
Itraconazole, 50 to 100 mg orally once daily
Fluconazole, 100 mg orally once weekly
Clotrimazole tablet, 500 mg intravaginally once weekly

Subsequent relapse justifies treatment for at least 12 monthsIf symptoms persist during treatment, consider culture and sensitivity testing to identify resistant species of Candida other than C. albicans

Alternative treatment for
Vaginal candidiasis
Acidophilus oral pills, intravaginal suppositories
Yogurt (plain): oral or intravaginal
Boric acid; intravaginal suppository
Echinacea; oral tincture
Goldenseal; oral tincture
Tea-tree oil; intravaginal suppositories, douche

Trichomoniasis Echinacea; oral tincture
Goldenseal; oral tincture
Tea-tree oil; intravaginal suppositories, douche

Bacterial vaginosis Tea-tree oil; intravaginal suppositories, douche 
Vaginitis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment - Diseases and Conditions - PDR Health »
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, and affects women of all ages. Infections and allergies can cause vaginitis

KP Wellness

16:26  -  Public
Women's Health Update: Cytolytic Vaginosis; A Vaginitis You May Not Have Heard About | ENCOGNITIVE.COM -

Cytolytic vaginosis(CV) is the current term for a condition of lactobacilli overgrowth.

Use of lactobacilli in the form of yogurt, supplements and suppositories should be stopped. It may also be wise to discontinue use of tampons because unimpeded menstrual flow acts much like an alkalinizing agent, raising the vaginal pH and inhibiting the overgrowth of lactobacilli.

Baking soda sitz baths offer relief by removing irritating acid secretions. Using the local antifungal agent in the morning and the baking soda gentle douche in the evening for seven days

Reduce dietary sugar.
Avoid soap in the genital area. Instead, wash with plain water, use pure unscented mineral oil on cotton balls as a cleanser  
Women's Health Update: Cytolytic Vaginosis; A Vaginitis You May Not Have Heard About | »
Women's Health Update: Cytolytic Vaginosis; A Vaginitis You May Not Have Heard About. Cytolytic vaginosis(CV) is the current term for a condition of lactobacilli overgrowth. It is a little recognized ...

KP Wellness

16:21  -  Public
Vaginal Odor: Check Your Symptoms and Signs With the Symptom Checker by -

Bacterial Vaginosis
Genital herpes
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs
Yeast vaginitis
Vaginal Odor: Check Your Symptoms and Signs With the Symptom Checker by »
Description of vaginal odor along with causes and examples of medications for vaginal odor. Pinpoint your symptoms and signs with MedicineNet's Symptom Checker.

KP Wellness

16:19 (edited)  -  Public
Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina that arises from any cause. Infections with bacteria, yeast, or Trichomonas

Vaginitis that occurs during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the mother and fetus.

Nonspecific vaginitis has been described in prepubertal girls and is thought in many cases to be due to poor hygiene involving the anal and genital areas, allowing bacteria from the stool to spread into the vulvovaginal area. The suspected presence of an STD in children is possible and warrants an investigation of child abuse.

Treatment for gonorrhea should always include medication that will treat Chlamydia as well as gonorrhea, because gonorrhea and Chlamydia frequently exist together in the same person. originally shared this post:
Symptoms of vaginitis include vaginal itching, burning, dryness, and discharge.
Vaginitis Symptoms, in Children, During Pregnancy - MedicineNet »
Vaginitis vaginal infection or inflammation. Symptoms include itching, burning, and abnormal vaginal discharge. The most common types of vaginitis are yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoni...

KP Wellness

16:13  -  Public
Zinc Supplement
400 mg Garlic Extract
Tea tree oil
Boric Acid Vaginal Suppo.
White Vinegar Douche
Iodine Douche
Alicia Perez originally shared this post:
8 Best Treatment Options For Vaginitis
8 Best Treatment Options For Vaginitis - How To Get Treatment For Vaginitis | Natural Home Remedies Fitness Guide »
Inflammation of the vagina is known as vaginitis. Usually vaginitis is a symptom of an infection in the vagina. Non-infectious causes such as exposure to

KP Wellness

16:09  -  Public
Carter Rogers originally shared this post:
Vaginitis Types, Symptoms and Treatments

If you are experiencing redness, irritation, inflammation or swelling, you may have contracted Bacterial Vaginitis(BV).  This particular problem occurs in over 70% of women in their lifetime, based as a bodily response from hormonal changes or lifestyle choices.  Understanding what is involved with this, and how you can treat the particular symptoms is the beginning to combating your body against the wrong exposure to bacteria.

Bacterial Vaginitis

The main Bacterial Vaginitis symptoms include inflammation around the vagina and vulva and the skin surrounding this area.  Typically, this problem is a response from irritations or infections which are already in place, such as a yeast infection.  Many women also find that BV is a result of using creams, sprays or gels in this area.  Usually, you can identify this type of vaginitis by vaginal discharge which is white and thinner.  You may also notice an odor which is 'fishy.'

To treat this particular type of Bacterial Vaginitis, you can use prescription medications or natural remedies.  Checking with a physician for the most common types of medications introduces you to prescriptions which are used to fight the bad bacteria.  Using natural remedies allows your immune system to create a way for the good bacteria to build its defenses so it can fight off the bad bacteria.

Cytolytic Vaginosis

This type of Vaginosis occurs when there is an overgrowth of good bacteria in the vagina.  When there are excess amounts of good bacteria, it begins to destroy the cells.  This causes vaginitis symptoms such as itching, burning and discomfort, especially during sex.  You may also notice a white discharge which comes out, usually at abnormal rates.  The most common vaginitis treatment is through a sitz bath, which allows you to clean out the extra bacteria and bring the good bacteria back to a normal, functioning level.

Atrophic Vaginitis

Atrophic Vaginitis is most common in women who are going through menopause.  This particular condition happens when the cells in the vagina begin to shrink and thin, usually because there is not as much estrogen moving into the body.  If there is not enough lubrication in the area, and functioning of this hormone, then it leads to changes in the cells.  Soreness and itching are the two most common vaginitis symptoms with Atrophic Vaginitis, and soreness during and after intercourse, which bleeding sometimes follows.

The most common remedy for Atrophic Vaginitis is to prevent the problem before it becomes too severe.  Vaginitis treatment includes medications, such as tablets or creams which contain Estriol are the most common cures.  These are used to stimulate the estrogen in the vagina area so the cells stop thinning.  Lubricants, creams and gels are also common remedies  help provides movement of the cells in the vagina.

Gardnerella Vaginitis

This type of Vaginitis is the most common type of infection.  The number one symptom is a white discharge which smells of a fishy odor.  There is usually not as much irritation or redness, which shows a distinction from other types of bacteria.  The vaginitis symptoms which result come from the bacteria, gardnerella, being more prevalent then other types of bacteria are healthy for the body.  These specific bacteria are anaerobic, meaning it does not need oxygen to survive, which leads to the production of the bacteria in the vagina.

The most common vaginitis treatment for this type of problem is to find a prescription or medication which attacks the bacteria.  Using a natural vaginitis treatment is also possible, such as garlic, tracheal or goldenseal which stops the bacteria from producing.  Each of these remedies creates a balance in the body and allows the good bacteria to balance out the bad bacteria. Learn more about this at 
Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom | Permanent Relief NOW! »
Fastest Relief From Bacterial Vaginosis, Cure BV 100% Naturally and only in 3 Days Permanently, Guranteed!

KP Wellness

16:09  -  Public
A boric acid douche
Plain yogurt 
Sabina Gabriel originally shared this post:
Vaginal Infection Cure Home Remedies for Vaginitis -How to treat vaginal itching and prevent symptoms of burning and irritation in vagina. Natural tips to cure vaginitis; sitz bath and boric acid douche very beneficial remedy for curing vaginitis and other discomfort.

KP Wellness

16:06 (edited)  -  Public
The trichomoniasis symptoms include:

Vaginal discharge
Vaginal itching
Itchy, smelly, and usually foamy or frothy discharge
Yellow or green- gray discharge
Pain in the course of urination

The majority don’t have any trichomoniasis symptoms
Urethral discharge
Pain in the course of urination
swelling and pain in scrotum -from epididymitis
Jimenez Daniel originally shared this post:
Trichomoniasis Symptoms | Chronic Yeast Infection »
Trichomoniasis symptoms is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease (STD) among men and women. It is often called “trich”. This disease is caused by protozoan known as trichomonas vaginali...

KP Wellness

16:01  -  Public
Nazanin N originally shared this post:
Vaginal yeast infections

Candida albicans is a unicellular fungus like yeast which is usually found in the vagina and other parts of our body.

This is kept in check by beneficial bacteria, the immune system and the acid pH lavagina.

However, when there is some desiquilibrio can multiply disproportionately causing vaginal infections (candidiasis)

This may be due to desiquilibrio taking certain medications (especially antibiotics), soaking baths with alkaline soaps, nutritional deficiencies, chemotherapy, feminine hygiene sprays, oral contraceptives or pregnancy, can allow yeast organisms thrive in alkaline medium .

The most common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are:

White secretion
Symptoms may worsen if the person stays with wet bathing suit for long, lives in a damp or after eating sugary or yeast.

Folk Remedies

Remedy for vaginal infections # 1: Develop a preparation half cup of yogurt which is added half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Applies for five consecutive nights by inserting a medical applicator two teaspoons of this mixture.

Remedy for vaginal infections # 2: Make every morning a douche with a solution of water and vinegar or alternately with yogurt douche diluted

Remedy for vaginal infections # 3: Blend a small clove of garlic with water and strain before using. Sepueden taken orally two cloves of garlic cut into bit.

Remedy for vaginal infections # 4 The bark of Pau d'arco, which includes components such as Beta-lapachone Lapachol and constitutes a known anti fungus used to balance levels of candida yeast in the body (available in our store).

Remedy for vaginal infections # 5: Fill the tub to the hip and the warm water, add half a cup of salt in the water.

Remedy for vaginal infections # 6: Eating 2 ounces of aloe vera juice or aloe daily which helps fight the fungus Candida internally.


To combat vaginal infections, it is necessary to follow these recommendations

Use a condom to be intimate and wash hands and genitals before and after intercourse. In case of suspicion, the man must be examined, since men can carry without showing symptoms Candida albicans.

Not apply, in this area, or cornstarch powder containing corn starch as it is thought to stimulate the development of yeast.

Avoid using gels, foams and aerosols contraceptives among others, as the chemicals that comprise it could aggravate symptoms. Likewise, you should avoid taking oral contraceptives.

Allow air circulation using underwear made of cotton or have a cotton lining in the crotch and avoid wearing tight pants.

Avoid using tampons and instead prefer pads which allow the normal vaginal secretion.

Boil for infection, underwear and soak it in bleach for 24 hours or iron the crotch, as researchers have discovered chelates Candida survives the normal washing can cause re-infection.

Do not use colored toilet paper or scented instead prefer white odorless to prevent possible chemical irritation.

Wipe from front to back after bowel movements thus prevents intestinal microorganisms migrate to the vagina.

Avoid eating foods with excessive sugar like cookies, pastries industrial, etc., Not to aggravate vaginal infections, since, according to some studies, Candida thrives on sugar.

Avoid too, for its compounds, consumption of ripe cheese, beer and wine, cured meats, and raw mushrooms or other fermented products made from flour.

Consult a doctor if symptoms (itching and discharge of strange smell) persist, and that could be another disease like chlamydia, trichomonas or diabetes or immune system problems. 

KP Wellness

18:07  -  Public
Candidiasis (Yeast Infection) Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment by -

Candidiasis -
Candidiasis (Yeast Infection) Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment by »
Information about candidiasis yeast infection, the most common type of yeast infection. Vaginal yeast infections, thrush, skin, diaper rash, and nailbed infections are areas where candidiasis yeast ca...

KP Wellness

18:06 (edited)  -  Public
Vaginal yeast infection: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia -

You doctor can also prescribe a medicine called fluconazole. This medicine is a pill that you only take once.

If your symptoms are more severe or you have repeat vaginal yeast infections, you may need: Medicine for up to 14 days
Clotrimazole vaginal suppository or fluconazole pill every week to prevent new infections.

Eat yogurt with live cultures or take Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets when you are on antibiotics to prevent a yeast infection.

Use condoms to avoid catching or spreading sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Avoid using feminine hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area.
Vaginal yeast infection: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia »
Causes. Most women have a vaginal yeast infection at some time. Candida albicans is a common type of fungus. It is often found in small amounts in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract, and on the skin. ...

KP Wellness

17:58  -  Public
Candida Albicans - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention -

a white or yellow discharge. Inflammation of the walls of the vagina and of the vulva (external genital area) causes burning and itching.

 topical administration of antifungal drugs such as clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin, tioconazole, or oral administration of drugs such as fluconazole  and amphotericin B. Many women prefer a single, oral dose of fluconazole for vaginal candidiasis, rather than topical creams.

If possible, use of antibiotics should be discontinued during a candida infection.
Candida Albicans - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention »
Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Candida Albicans

KP Wellness

17:59 (edited)  -  Public
CDC - Fungal Diseases -  Genital / Vulvovaginal Candidiasis -
CDC - Fungal Diseases - Genital / Vulvovaginal Candidiasis »
This infection is relatively common -- nearly 75% of all adult women have had at least one 'yeast infection' in their lifetime.

KP Wellness

17:52 (edited)  -  Public
Prevent yeast infection naturally with Candida fighting foods -

Use Natural Remedies for Candida Albicans -

#1) Cold-pressed coconut oil
#2) Garlic
#3) Almonds
#4) Cayenne pepper
Prevent yeast infection naturally with Candida fighting foods »
Prevent yeast infection naturally with Candida fighting foods

KP Wellness

17:49  -  Public
Cure Candida with dietary changes and natural remedies -

garlic, oil of oregano, Wormwood/Black Walnut, Olive Leaf extract, Grapefruit seed extract, extra virgin coconut oil and Caprylic acid. It is important to keep using a different antifungal treatment every 3 to 4 days 
Cure Candida with dietary changes and natural remedies »
Cure Candida with dietary changes and natural remedies

KP Wellness

17:41 (edited)  -  Public
you must cut the junk food out of your diet completely.
Cayenne pepper, organic garlic, and turmeric are also excellent herbs for chronic candida sufferers 
AskDrMaxwell originally shared this post:
Chronic Yeast Infections? Clear Them Up Once and For All:
Chronic Candida and Natural Prevention - Ask Dr. Maxwell ... »
by: Dr. Craig A. Maxwell. Natural beautiful girl Women with chronic yeast infections or men with jock itch treat and treat with those over-the-counter creams but get no relief. When does a yeast infec...

KP Wellness

17:37  -  Public
Lemongrass and Clove
The Wellness Institute originally shared this post:
2 Essential Oils That Combat Candida! / All Body Ecology Articles
2 Essential Oils That Combat Candida! / All Body Ecology Articles »
Natural essential oils have a long list of scientifically proven health benefits. Most importantly, certain essential oils can break through the protective biofilm surrounding Candida in the body to i...

KP Wellness

17:30 (edited)  -  Public
Avoid Sugar
Avoid all the diary product
Eliminate the toxins from the body
Natural Yeast Infection Cures originally shared this post:
Diets to Avoid To Get Rid Of Candida Growth from Your Body
Diets to Avoid To Get Rid Of Candida Growth from Your Body »
First, you have to realize that Candida's yeast infection is a consequence of your improper lifestyle. Conversely, unless you change the present lifestyle diets you cannot eliminate the yeast infecti...

KP Wellness

17:26  -  Public
 I began using the coconut oil at 1 tsp the first day and increased by 1 tsp each day until I was taking 1 tbls with each meal (3x/day). 
Coconut Health originally shared this post:
Candida albicans is yeast (or fungus) that normally inhabits our digestive system. In healthy people, candida does little harm because it’s kept in check by beneficial microorganisms, or probiotics. However, for some people, Candida yeast can grow out of control and produce infections. Learn how coconut oil can help.

KP Wellness

17:19 (edited)  -  Public
Herbal Remedies for Trichomonas Vaginalis -

Herbal Remedies for Trichomonas Vaginalis »
Herbal Remedies For Trichomonas Vaginalis. Trichomonas vaginalis is a single-celled protozoan that commonly infects the vagina and the male urethra or urinary canal to cause a sexually-transmitted dis...

KP Wellness

17:11 (edited)  -  Public
Trichomoniasis - CDC Fact Sheet

Trichomoniasis - NHS Choices -

The parasite is passed from an infected person to an uninfected person during sex. During sex, the parasite is usually transmitted from a penis to a vagina, or from a vagina to a penis. Infected people without symptoms can still pass the infection on to others.

Some people with symptoms get them within 5 to 28 days after being infected, but others do not develop symptoms until much later. Symptoms can come and go.

Most men and women are treated with an antibiotic called metronidazole, which is very effective. 
STD Facts - Trichomoniasis »
Trichomoniasis Fact Sheet from CDC. What is trichomoniasis? How common is trichomoniasis? How do people get trichomoniasis? And more...

KP Wellness

17:02 (edited)  -  Public
Trichomonas vaginalis: causes, symptoms, treatment - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - FPA -

Trichomonas is usually passed from one person to another during sex.
It is strongly advised that you do not have any sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal or oral sex, until you and a partner have both finished the treatment and any follow-up treatment. If it is not possible to avoid sex, make sure that you use a condom.

If the test shows that you have trichomonas then it is very important that your current sexual partner and any other recent partners are also tested and treated.

Trichomonas may cause problems with a pregnancy. Some research suggests that it could lead to a premature birth or a baby with a low birth weight. Trichomonas can be passed to a baby during the birth and cause an infection in the baby’s vagina. This is not common and is not serious. 
Trichomonas vaginalis: causes, symptoms, treatment - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - FPA »
FPA information on the sexually transmitted infection trichomonas vaginalis, including causes, symptoms, testing, treatment and telling a partner.


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