KP Wellness
1:43 PM - PublicArtificial Retina Being Tested On Mice - Health News - redOrbit -
'Bionic' implants could restore sight of blind - Health, News -
Researchers have developed an artificial retina with the ability to restore normal vision based on its work on deciphering the retina’s neural code for brain communication. It’s the first of its kind – an effective prosthetic retina device that can accommodate for blindness in mice. The results of the project are a major breakthrough in working to restore vision for the blind.
'Bionic' implants could restore sight of blind - Health, News -
Researchers have developed an artificial retina with the ability to restore normal vision based on its work on deciphering the retina’s neural code for brain communication. It’s the first of its kind – an effective prosthetic retina device that can accommodate for blindness in mice. The results of the project are a major breakthrough in working to restore vision for the blind.
KP Wellness
11:53 AM - PublicThyrotoxicosis - Lancet 2012 review
Thyrotoxicosis is a common disorder, especially in women. Thyroid disease affects 7 times more women than men.
There are 3 main causes of thyrotoxicosis: Graves' disease, toxic nodular hyperthyroidism, and thyroiditis.
Here are some more details about them:
- Graves' disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) is the most frequent cause of thyrotoxicosis
- toxic nodular hyperthyroidism, due to the presence of one or more autonomously functioning thyroid nodules
- thyroiditis caused by inflammation, which results in release of stored hormones
The available treatments for thyrotoxicosis have been unchanged for 60 years.
Antithyroid drugs are the usual initial treatment. Thionamides such as carbimazole or its active metabolite methimazole are the drugs of choice.
A prolonged course leads to remission of Graves' hyperthyroidism in only 30% of cases.
Because of this low remission rate in Graves' disease (only 30%) and the inability to cure toxic nodular hyperthyroidism with antithyroid drugs alone, radioiodine is increasingly used as first line therapy. It is the preferred choice for relapsed Graves' hyperthyroidism.
Surgery with total thyroidectomy is an option in selected cases. .
The Lancet, Volume 379, Issue 9821, Pages 1155 - 1166, 24 March 2012
Collapse this postThyrotoxicosis is a common disorder, especially in women. Thyroid disease affects 7 times more women than men.
There are 3 main causes of thyrotoxicosis: Graves' disease, toxic nodular hyperthyroidism, and thyroiditis.
Here are some more details about them:
- Graves' disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) is the most frequent cause of thyrotoxicosis
- toxic nodular hyperthyroidism, due to the presence of one or more autonomously functioning thyroid nodules
- thyroiditis caused by inflammation, which results in release of stored hormones
The available treatments for thyrotoxicosis have been unchanged for 60 years.
Antithyroid drugs are the usual initial treatment. Thionamides such as carbimazole or its active metabolite methimazole are the drugs of choice.
A prolonged course leads to remission of Graves' hyperthyroidism in only 30% of cases.
Because of this low remission rate in Graves' disease (only 30%) and the inability to cure toxic nodular hyperthyroidism with antithyroid drugs alone, radioiodine is increasingly used as first line therapy. It is the preferred choice for relapsed Graves' hyperthyroidism.
Surgery with total thyroidectomy is an option in selected cases. .
The Lancet, Volume 379, Issue 9821, Pages 1155 - 1166, 24 March 2012
KP Wellness
11:43 AM - Publicduring the first trimester of pregnancy increased the rate of congenital malformations, and it significantly increased the rate of aplasia cutis congenita, omphalocele, and a symptomatic omphalomesenteric duct anomaly.
KP Wellness
11:41 AM (edited) - PublicGraves' eye disease or Thyroid eye disease : University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center -
Graves' disease is an eye disorder associated with abnormalities of the thyroid gland. When the immune system attacks the muscles and other ocular tissues in the eye socket, the swelling and scarring resulting from the inflammation causes symptoms and signs like this >>
Swelling (edema) of the eyelids and tissue around the eye
A constant stare
Eyelid retraction
Dry eyes or a sensation of grit or irritation to the eye
Watering and redness of the eyes
Sensitivity to light
A feeling of pressure in the eye sockets
Double vision
Loss of vision
Graves' disease is an eye disorder associated with abnormalities of the thyroid gland. When the immune system attacks the muscles and other ocular tissues in the eye socket, the swelling and scarring resulting from the inflammation causes symptoms and signs like this >>
Swelling (edema) of the eyelids and tissue around the eye
A constant stare
Eyelid retraction
Dry eyes or a sensation of grit or irritation to the eye
Watering and redness of the eyes
Sensitivity to light
A feeling of pressure in the eye sockets
Double vision
Loss of vision
KP Wellness
11:34 AM - PublicCDC - Vision Health Initiative (VHI) - Basic Informaton: Common Eye Disorders -
Refractive errors include myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (distorted vision at all distances), and presbyopia (loss of the ability to focus up close)
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
abnormal blood vessel behind the retina start to grow under the macula, ultimately leading to blood and fluid leakage. Bleeding, leaking, and scarring from these blood vessels cause damage and lead to rapid central vision loss.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Amblyopia or “lazy eye,”
Strabismus an imbalance in the positioning of the two eyes.
Refractive errors include myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (distorted vision at all distances), and presbyopia (loss of the ability to focus up close)
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
abnormal blood vessel behind the retina start to grow under the macula, ultimately leading to blood and fluid leakage. Bleeding, leaking, and scarring from these blood vessels cause damage and lead to rapid central vision loss.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Amblyopia or “lazy eye,”
Strabismus an imbalance in the positioning of the two eyes.
KP Wellness
11:26 AM (edited) - PublicTruth Squad: Supplements for Eye Health -
10 Best Supplements for Eye Health -
50 milligrams daily of beta carotene, 500 milligrams daily of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, and 80 milligrams of zinc were found to be effective doses of each supplement.
Lutein is not produced in the body and can only be found through the nutrient in foods and in supplements. Other supplements in the trial include Xeoxanthin, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
10 Best Supplements for Eye Health -
50 milligrams daily of beta carotene, 500 milligrams daily of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, and 80 milligrams of zinc were found to be effective doses of each supplement.
Lutein is not produced in the body and can only be found through the nutrient in foods and in supplements. Other supplements in the trial include Xeoxanthin, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
KP Wellness
11:18 AM - PublicEye Exercises | Health Tips | Video | Veria Living
Computer work, reading and watching TV can strain our eyes. In this Health Tips video from Veria Living are some Eye Exercises that will help relieve them and help strengthen your eyes, brought to you by Roni Proter.
Computer work, reading and watching TV can strain our eyes. In this Health Tips video from Veria Living are some Eye Exercises that will help relieve them and help strengthen your eyes, brought to you by Roni Proter.
KP Wellness
11:16 AM (edited) - PublicHow to Exercise Your Eyes -
Eye Exercises - Yoga for the Eyes -
Eye Exercises To Improve Vision
Eye Exercises - Yoga for the Eyes -
Eye Exercises To Improve Vision
KP Wellness
11:12 AM - Public10 Tips for Healthy Eyes -
Get Regular Eye Exams
Give Your Eye Doctor Your Health History
Control the Air Quality in Your Home or Office
Stock Your Home Medical Kit with Saline Solution
Replace Your Contact Lens Case Every Two to Three Months
Drink Caffeine—but Not Too Much
Give Your Eyes a Break from the Computer Screen
Eat Leafy Greens, Dark Berries and Cold-Water Fish
Protect Your Eyes as You Would Protect Your Skin
Travel Smart
Get Regular Eye Exams
Give Your Eye Doctor Your Health History
Control the Air Quality in Your Home or Office
Stock Your Home Medical Kit with Saline Solution
Replace Your Contact Lens Case Every Two to Three Months
Drink Caffeine—but Not Too Much
Give Your Eyes a Break from the Computer Screen
Eat Leafy Greens, Dark Berries and Cold-Water Fish
Protect Your Eyes as You Would Protect Your Skin
Travel Smart
KP Wellness
11:09 AM - Public5 Early Warning Signs of Diabetes -
#1: Feeling tired and sluggish after eating
#2: Craving carbs
#3: Being overweight -- and unable to lose extra pounds
#4: Looking more like an apple than a pear
#5: High blood pressure
#1: Feeling tired and sluggish after eating
#2: Craving carbs
#3: Being overweight -- and unable to lose extra pounds
#4: Looking more like an apple than a pear
#5: High blood pressure
KP Wellness
11:06 AM - PublicBPA: FDA Bans Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical from Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups | Healthland | -
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that baby bottles and sippy cups can no longer contain bisphenol-A (BPA), the endocrine-disrupting chemical found in plastics and food packaging.
The FDA notes that the ban does not apply to the use of BPA in other plastics or food packaging, including canned food containers, water bottles and baby formula containers.
Read more:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that baby bottles and sippy cups can no longer contain bisphenol-A (BPA), the endocrine-disrupting chemical found in plastics and food packaging.
The FDA notes that the ban does not apply to the use of BPA in other plastics or food packaging, including canned food containers, water bottles and baby formula containers.
Read more:
KP Wellness
11:02 AM - PublicBPA in Dental Fillings Linked to Behavioral Problems in Children | GreenAnswers -
Dental fillings made out of a bisphenol-A glycidyl methacrylate (bisGMA)-based composite may be inadvertently causing behavioral and psychosocial issues in the children that have them.
BPA Commonly found in the linings of cans, as well as in food and drink containers, BPA has been vehemently protested by those wanting to see it banned from being used in children’s toys and baby bottles. Now, dental researchers fear that significant amounts of the dangerous chemical may be leaching into children’s mouths by way of these fillings.
Read more:
Dental fillings made out of a bisphenol-A glycidyl methacrylate (bisGMA)-based composite may be inadvertently causing behavioral and psychosocial issues in the children that have them.
BPA Commonly found in the linings of cans, as well as in food and drink containers, BPA has been vehemently protested by those wanting to see it banned from being used in children’s toys and baby bottles. Now, dental researchers fear that significant amounts of the dangerous chemical may be leaching into children’s mouths by way of these fillings.
Read more:
KP Wellness
10:49 AM - PublicCPR now high school graduation requirement | -
RALEIGH (WTVD) -- North Carolina high school students have a new requirement before they can receive a diploma. Governor Bev Perdue signed a bill into law Thursday that requires all students be CPR certified.
All high schoolers will be required to learn CPR and the Heimlich maneuver before earning their diplomas starting in 2015.
RALEIGH (WTVD) -- North Carolina high school students have a new requirement before they can receive a diploma. Governor Bev Perdue signed a bill into law Thursday that requires all students be CPR certified.
All high schoolers will be required to learn CPR and the Heimlich maneuver before earning their diplomas starting in 2015.
KP Wellness
10:19 AM - PublicYour Soap Could Be Causing Heart Disease And Muscle Weakness -
Antibacterial soap may hinder muscle function: Study -
LONDON - A chemical found in soap, toothpaste, clothes and toys may cause muscle problems and should be used with caution, experts have said.
Triclosan hampers muscle function in animals and fish and may have implications for human health. Further studies are needed to establish the effect triclosan has on human muscles.
Antibacterial soap may hinder muscle function: Study -
LONDON - A chemical found in soap, toothpaste, clothes and toys may cause muscle problems and should be used with caution, experts have said.
Triclosan hampers muscle function in animals and fish and may have implications for human health. Further studies are needed to establish the effect triclosan has on human muscles.
KP Wellness
Yesterday 2:29 PM - PublicNEJM: Pediatric VAD has higher survival rates than ECMO -
Tiny heart pump helps babies, children stay alive :: -
(Reuters Health) - Hooking seriously-ill children to a pump that assists the heart helps them live longer than those hooked to a heart-lung machine while they await a heart transplant, doctors report in a new study.
Tiny heart pump helps babies, children stay alive :: -
(Reuters Health) - Hooking seriously-ill children to a pump that assists the heart helps them live longer than those hooked to a heart-lung machine while they await a heart transplant, doctors report in a new study.
Zocor Rhabdomyolysis: An Overview
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which a patient’s muscles are gradually broken down. The causes may vary, but typically involve some type of trauma or injury. A prolonged coma, genetic muscle diseases, some viruses and bacteria, over-intense exercising, and drug and alcohol intoxication can also lead to the condition.
Zocor rhabdomyolysis differs from standard muscle injury, however, in that it involves the release of proteins into the bloodstream. As the injury or other trauma breaks down the muscle tissues, they may release a protein called “myoglobin” and an enzyme called “creatine kinase” into the blood. The level of these components can be measured by a blood test, which can alert doctors to the presence of rhabdomyolysis, which is also called “muscle wasting.”
Patients with rhabdomyolysis don’t always experience symptoms. Often, however, muscle aches and pain, stiffness, muscle weakness, muscle swelling, and brown or dark-colored urine signal the presence of rhabdomyolysis. These symptoms should be reported to a doctor right away.
In 2011, the FDA issued a warning regarding Zocor, stating that higher 80 mg doses significantly increased the risk for muscle injury, and recommended that physicians stop prescribing the higher amounts to new patients.
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which a patient’s muscles are gradually broken down. The causes may vary, but typically involve some type of trauma or injury. A prolonged coma, genetic muscle diseases, some viruses and bacteria, over-intense exercising, and drug and alcohol intoxication can also lead to the condition.
Zocor rhabdomyolysis differs from standard muscle injury, however, in that it involves the release of proteins into the bloodstream. As the injury or other trauma breaks down the muscle tissues, they may release a protein called “myoglobin” and an enzyme called “creatine kinase” into the blood. The level of these components can be measured by a blood test, which can alert doctors to the presence of rhabdomyolysis, which is also called “muscle wasting.”
Patients with rhabdomyolysis don’t always experience symptoms. Often, however, muscle aches and pain, stiffness, muscle weakness, muscle swelling, and brown or dark-colored urine signal the presence of rhabdomyolysis. These symptoms should be reported to a doctor right away.
In 2011, the FDA issued a warning regarding Zocor, stating that higher 80 mg doses significantly increased the risk for muscle injury, and recommended that physicians stop prescribing the higher amounts to new patients.
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