KP Wellness
10:07 AM - Public
Chia, or Salvia hispanica L, is a member of the mint family from Mexico and South America. The flowering plant can sprout in a matter of days, but chia's appeal is in the nutritional punch of its tiny seeds.
With more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon, a wealth of antioxidants and minerals, a complete source of protein and more fibre than flax seed
With more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon, a wealth of antioxidants and minerals, a complete source of protein and more fibre than flax seed
KP Wellness
10:05 AM - PublicKP Wellness
10:04 AM - Public
Today's #TechTuesday post talks about the iPad's built-in features that help children with special needs, and how to enable them.
KP Wellness
8:41 AM - Public
Viewpoint: Junk food and Olympics -
diet-related diseases such heart disease, diabetes and cancer pose the greatest global threat to our health; contributing to a staggering 35 million deaths per year, dwarfing the six to eight million smoking-related deaths each year.
"I think it's quite shocking that McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Cadbury's, and Heineken are the main food sponsors,"
diet-related diseases such heart disease, diabetes and cancer pose the greatest global threat to our health; contributing to a staggering 35 million deaths per year, dwarfing the six to eight million smoking-related deaths each year.
"I think it's quite shocking that McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Cadbury's, and Heineken are the main food sponsors,"
KP Wellness
8:36 AM (edited) - Public
BBC - Newsbeat - Steroid users 'doubling' year on year, new figures show -
A growing number of young men are taking high levels of steroids, risking serious damage to their health.
A growing number of young men are taking high levels of steroids, risking serious damage to their health.
KP Wellness
8:33 AM - Public
Research published by The Lancet suggests providing more contraception around the world could save 100,000 lives every year, by stopping many women from dying in childbirth.
KP Wellness
8:32 AM - Public
Ex-smokers 'may gain up to 5kg' -
KP Wellness
8:31 AM - Public
GSK's new HIV drug beats Gilead medicine in study -
(Reuters) - An experimental once-daily AIDS drug from GlaxoSmithKline and its partner Shionogi proved superior to Gilead's Atripla in a late-stage clinical trial, increasing hopes for the new product.
(Reuters) - An experimental once-daily AIDS drug from GlaxoSmithKline and its partner Shionogi proved superior to Gilead's Atripla in a late-stage clinical trial, increasing hopes for the new product.
KP Wellness
8:28 AM (edited) - Public
Study confirms uncircumcised boys' UTI risk -
(Reuters Health) - Baby boys who are uncircumcised have an increased risk of urinary tract infection - whether their foreskin is "tight" or not
(Reuters Health) - Baby boys who are uncircumcised have an increased risk of urinary tract infection - whether their foreskin is "tight" or not
KP Wellness
8:26 AM (edited) - Public
H1N1 vaccine tied to small Guillain-Barre risk -
(Reuters Health) - Older adults who got the H1N1 flu vaccine in 2009 had a slightly increased risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome - but the shots weren't linked to birth defects in babies of vaccinated women
(Reuters Health) - Older adults who got the H1N1 flu vaccine in 2009 had a slightly increased risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome - but the shots weren't linked to birth defects in babies of vaccinated women
KP Wellness
8:22 AM - Public
Analysis: Bird flu vaccine now? More than a shot in the dark -
KP Wellness
7:47 AM - Public
Sitting for Hours a Day Cuts Life Span -
KP Magazine
8:23 AM - Public
Canada to study health impact of wind turbine noise -
(Reuters) - Canada will conduct a study to explore if there is a relationship between wind turbine noise and health problems reported by people living near wind power developments
(Reuters) - Canada will conduct a study to explore if there is a relationship between wind turbine noise and health problems reported by people living near wind power developments
KP Magazine
7:05 AM - Public
A long hot summer as air conditioners go silent
China’s ports are piled high with surplus coal as businesses and citizens try to save on electricity bills. Factory production cuts have contributed to the slump in demand.
5 ‘real world’ signs of the coming Chinese apocalypse | Economy | News | Financial Post -
Chinese residents escape the summer heat in the Yangtze river.
China’s ports are piled high with surplus coal as businesses and citizens try to save on electricity bills. Factory production cuts have contributed to the slump in demand.
5 ‘real world’ signs of the coming Chinese apocalypse | Economy | News | Financial Post -
Chinese residents escape the summer heat in the Yangtze river.
KP Magazine
6:44 AM - Public
The Washington Monument is expected to stay closed until 2014 as crews work to repair the 555ft (169m) obelisk damaged in an earthquake last year.
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