KP Wellness
9:58 AM - Public
Fibre: Also known as roughage keeps your digestive system healthy and functioning properly and helps to process food and absorb nutrients. Fibre will help to speed up the excretion of waste and toxins for the body, preventing the waste and toxins from sitting in the intestines for too long. Fibre contains no vitamins or calories but cat can help lower blood cholesterol and helps to control your appetite. There are two main types of fibre, insoluble and soluble.
Insoluble fibre can help prevent constipation and is found in:
E.g. Brown rice, lentils, fruits with edible seeds, lentils, oats, wholegrain pasta, wholegrain breads, wholegrain cereals.
Soluble fibre can help lower control blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is found in:
E.g. All fruit and vegetables but rich in apples, barley, citrus, oats, pears.
A guideline of how much fibre and adult should consume per day would be 18g.
Insoluble fibre can help prevent constipation and is found in:
E.g. Brown rice, lentils, fruits with edible seeds, lentils, oats, wholegrain pasta, wholegrain breads, wholegrain cereals.
Soluble fibre can help lower control blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is found in:
E.g. All fruit and vegetables but rich in apples, barley, citrus, oats, pears.
A guideline of how much fibre and adult should consume per day would be 18g.
KP Wellness
9:58 AM - Public
Help your weight loss with cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous [krew-SIH-fer-uhs] vegetable family are named for their cross-shaped (crucifer) flower petals. Cruciferous vegetables are high in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and provide a healthy complement to a weight loss program because they fill you up and they are low in calories. They also contain glucosinolates, which can play a part in preventing cancer cell growth. E.g. Arugula, brussels sprouts. chard, daikon, mustard greens, turnips, bok choy, chinese cabbage. kale, radishes, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kohlrabi, rutabagas. #gymadvisor
KP Wellness
9:58 AM - Public
Unsaturated vs saturated fats: There are two main types of fat found in food. These include unsaturated, saturated. Trans fats are found naturally but at low levels in certain foods such as hydrogenated vegetable oil, meat and dairy products.
Unsaturated and saturated fat contain the same amount of calories. But as part of a healthy diet, we should try to cut down on food that is high in saturated fat, and instead eat foods that are rich in unsaturated fat.
Unsaturated fat is found in:
E.g. Oily fish such as salmon and fresh tuna, avocados, nuts, seeds, sunflower and olive oils.
Saturated fat is found in:
E.g. Fatty cuts of meat, butter, ghee, lard, cheese, especially hard cheese, ice cream, certain savory snacks, chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, cakes and pastries.
Unsaturated and saturated fat contain the same amount of calories. But as part of a healthy diet, we should try to cut down on food that is high in saturated fat, and instead eat foods that are rich in unsaturated fat.
Unsaturated fat is found in:
E.g. Oily fish such as salmon and fresh tuna, avocados, nuts, seeds, sunflower and olive oils.
Saturated fat is found in:
E.g. Fatty cuts of meat, butter, ghee, lard, cheese, especially hard cheese, ice cream, certain savory snacks, chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, cakes and pastries.
KP Wellness
10:03 AM - Public
Get Clear Skin! Tea Tree Oil for Acne
Simply apply a small amount on blemishes 2-3 times per day to help prevent outbreaks and acne-related infection. If undiluted tea tree oil causes any skin irritation, you can make a diluted solution. For example, a 5 percent tea tree oil solution can be made by mixing 5 mL tea tree oil to 95 mL of water.
Other natural remedies for acne include eating a healthy diet which provides sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, E and zinc; drinking plenty of water throughout the day; and engaging in regular exercise. Regular exercise may be one of the best remedies for acne.
Simply apply a small amount on blemishes 2-3 times per day to help prevent outbreaks and acne-related infection. If undiluted tea tree oil causes any skin irritation, you can make a diluted solution. For example, a 5 percent tea tree oil solution can be made by mixing 5 mL tea tree oil to 95 mL of water.
Other natural remedies for acne include eating a healthy diet which provides sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, E and zinc; drinking plenty of water throughout the day; and engaging in regular exercise. Regular exercise may be one of the best remedies for acne.
Tea tree oil to the rescue! Get clear skin with advice from Dr. Stephanie Rubino:
KP Wellness
10:01 AM - Public
I began using the coconut oil at 1 tsp the first day and increased by 1 tsp each day until I was taking 1 tbls with each meal (3x/day)
Coconut oil kills candida yeast. Read the testimonies here:
KP Wellness
10:00 AM - Public
4 pastured egg yolks
4 cups coconut milk*
3 tablespoons fine organic cane sugar (you can whiz it up in a food processor to make it extra fine)
16 drops stevia (vanilla cream tastes great)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Mix all the ingredients together in a blender, mixer or food processor, until thoroughly combined. Chill completely in the fridge, at least 4 hours or overnight. Prepare according to your ice cream maker's instructions.
4 cups coconut milk*
3 tablespoons fine organic cane sugar (you can whiz it up in a food processor to make it extra fine)
16 drops stevia (vanilla cream tastes great)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Mix all the ingredients together in a blender, mixer or food processor, until thoroughly combined. Chill completely in the fridge, at least 4 hours or overnight. Prepare according to your ice cream maker's instructions.
On a hot summer day, how about a cold bowl of ice cream? Dairy free, made with coconut milk and pastured egg yolks. Rich, creamy, and satisfying! Get the recipe below.
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