KP Wellness
9:58 AM - Public
Vitamins and minerals explained: Vitamins are found naturally in organic food substances such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. Our bodies are unable to build vitimans so it is essential we obtain the right vitimans to maintan a healthy bodty and lifestyle. Minerals are necessary for building strong bones and teeth, controlling body fluuids and outside cells turning the food you eat into energy.
Vitamin A (recommended daily amount: 800 micrograms)
Good for eyesight and growth. Good sources include liver, cod liver oil, carrots, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, enriched margarine, milk products and yellow fruits.
Vitamin B1 (recommended daily amount: 1.4mg)
Good for nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart, alcohol-damaged nerve tissues. Good sources include liver, yeast, egg yolk, cereal, red meat, nuts and wheatgerm.
Vitamin B2 (recommended daily amount: 1.6mg)
Good for growth, skin, nails, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrtes. Good sources include milk, liver, yeast, cheese, green leafy vegetables, fish.
Vitiman B6 (recommended daily amount: 2mg)
Good for preventing skin conditions, nerve problems, helps the body absorb protein and carbohydrate. Good sources include fish, bananas, chicken, pork, wholegrains and dried beans.
Vitamin B12 (recommended daily amount: 1 micrograms)
Good for making red blood and the formation of the nerves. Good sources include eggs, shellfish, poultry, meat, liver, milk, cheese and fortified cereal.
Vitamin C (recommended daily amount: 60mg)
Good for Immune defence system, protection from viruses and bacteria, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, cell lifespan and preventing scurvy. Good sources include citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, berries, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, green leafy vegetables and peppers.
Vitamin D (recommended daily amount: 5 micrograms)
Good for strong bones and teeth. Good sources include sunlight, cod liver oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk and milk products.
Vitamin E (recommended daily amount: 10mg)
Good for fighting toxins, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Good sources include nuts, soya beans, vegetable oil, broccoli, sprouts, spinach, wholemeal products and eggs.
Calcium (recommended daily amount: 800mg)
Good for strong bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contraction, blood clotting. Good sources include milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and green leafy vegetables.
Irons (recommended daily amount: 14mg)
Good for red blood cells and muscle function, white blood cells and the immune system. Good sources include lean red meat, oily fish, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, nuts, wholegrains and wholewheat.
Magnesium (recommended daily amount: 300 mg)
Good for converting energy from food, cell repair, building strong bones, teeth and muscles and regulating body temperature. Good sources include green leafy vegetables, wholegrains and nuts.
Zinc (recommended daily amount: 15mg)
Good for Immune system, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Good sources include meat, shellfish, milk brown rice and whole grains.
Vitamin A (recommended daily amount: 800 micrograms)
Good for eyesight and growth. Good sources include liver, cod liver oil, carrots, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, enriched margarine, milk products and yellow fruits.
Vitamin B1 (recommended daily amount: 1.4mg)
Good for nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart, alcohol-damaged nerve tissues. Good sources include liver, yeast, egg yolk, cereal, red meat, nuts and wheatgerm.
Vitamin B2 (recommended daily amount: 1.6mg)
Good for growth, skin, nails, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrtes. Good sources include milk, liver, yeast, cheese, green leafy vegetables, fish.
Vitiman B6 (recommended daily amount: 2mg)
Good for preventing skin conditions, nerve problems, helps the body absorb protein and carbohydrate. Good sources include fish, bananas, chicken, pork, wholegrains and dried beans.
Vitamin B12 (recommended daily amount: 1 micrograms)
Good for making red blood and the formation of the nerves. Good sources include eggs, shellfish, poultry, meat, liver, milk, cheese and fortified cereal.
Vitamin C (recommended daily amount: 60mg)
Good for Immune defence system, protection from viruses and bacteria, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, cell lifespan and preventing scurvy. Good sources include citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, berries, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, green leafy vegetables and peppers.
Vitamin D (recommended daily amount: 5 micrograms)
Good for strong bones and teeth. Good sources include sunlight, cod liver oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk and milk products.
Vitamin E (recommended daily amount: 10mg)
Good for fighting toxins, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Good sources include nuts, soya beans, vegetable oil, broccoli, sprouts, spinach, wholemeal products and eggs.
Calcium (recommended daily amount: 800mg)
Good for strong bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contraction, blood clotting. Good sources include milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and green leafy vegetables.
Irons (recommended daily amount: 14mg)
Good for red blood cells and muscle function, white blood cells and the immune system. Good sources include lean red meat, oily fish, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, nuts, wholegrains and wholewheat.
Magnesium (recommended daily amount: 300 mg)
Good for converting energy from food, cell repair, building strong bones, teeth and muscles and regulating body temperature. Good sources include green leafy vegetables, wholegrains and nuts.
Zinc (recommended daily amount: 15mg)
Good for Immune system, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Good sources include meat, shellfish, milk brown rice and whole grains.
KP Wellness
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Different kind of foods have different minerals and antioxidants. But sometimes oral form vitamins are unable to fulfill our daily need that's why you should visit the canadian vitamin shop because here you'll get all good quality liposomal vitamins which is very important for our health.