KP Mind
Yesterday 4:37 AM - Public
This sequence will help you find relief by releasing tension with neck presses, gentle twist, forward bend with legs crossed, cat stretch, down dog, child's pose with hands in prayer and with hands in yoga mudra, patchimotanasana, reverse plank, plow and reclined twist. Foundations Class is a classical Sivananda flow. Teacher: Micheal Riel
Yoga, Full Intermediate to Advanced Class -Yoga Foundations Class- Sivananda flow - 57 Minutes
Yoga, Full Intermediate to Advanced Class -Yoga Foundations Class- Sivananda flow - 57 Minutes
KP Mind
Yesterday 4:37 AM (edited) - Public
This quick, refreshing pranayama instantly lifts your spirits and clears your mind of negative thoughts and tension. The first portion of this practice is a breathing exercise, followed by a Zen inspired relaxation sequence using small stone to help focus your concentration (you may also use a crystal, bead or other small sacred object). Be sure to chose your object before you begin this practice, so you have it easily at hand.
Quick Yoga Joy Booster! Breath of Joy Pranayama Duration: 8 min
Quick Yoga Joy Booster! Breath of Joy Pranayama Duration: 8 min
KP Mind
Yesterday 2:42 AM - Public
Wat Thai Dhammaram
I feel relaxed, I feel calm, I feel happy : Monday evening 2nd July 2012.
ข้าพเจ้ารู้สึกสบาย สงบ มีความสุข เย็นวันจันทร์ที่ ๒ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕.
I feel relaxed, I feel calm, I feel happy : Monday evening 2nd July 2012.
ข้าพเจ้ารู้สึกสบาย สงบ มีความสุข เย็นวันจันทร์ที่ ๒ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕.
KP Wellness
9:49 AM - Public
Simple Stretching Exercise Against A Wall - My Daily Health Routing -
#health #exercisetips #Fitness
#health #exercisetips #Fitness
KP Wellness
9:49 AM - Public
Vegan Muscle Building Smoothies For All of My Friends - Cheers!! -
#smoothie #Foods #Recipes #WeightLoss
#smoothie #Foods #Recipes #WeightLoss
KP Wellness
9:26 AM - Public
Dementia - Mental health - BBC Health -
KP Wellness
9:26 AM - Public
BBC - Health: Skin cancer -
KP Wellness
9:19 AM - Public
Seaweed toothpaste 'to stop tooth decay'
Adding enzymes from seaweed microbes to toothpaste and mouthwash could provide better protection against tooth decay, a team of UK scientists have said.
Adding enzymes from seaweed microbes to toothpaste and mouthwash could provide better protection against tooth decay, a team of UK scientists have said.
KP Wellness
Yesterday 8:21 PM - Public
FDA Approves The First Take-Home HIV Test -
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