Friday, June 29, 2012

Having Your Coffee

KP Wellness

8:53 AM  -  Public
Having Your Coffee and Enjoying It Too

Coffee is a complex substance that contains more than 1,000 compounds that may affect health. Even though coffee can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure, the new study, like those before it, found the risk of heart disease to be lower among otherwise healthy coffee drinkers. Other benefits suggested by recent studies include a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, liver disease and Parkinson’s disease. Some research has found a reduced risk of depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease among coffee drinkers.

Whether coffee poses a risk to pregnant women remains controversial. A causal relationship between coffee consumption and miscarriage has not been demonstrated at caffeine intakes of less than 300 milligrams a day, but some studies have found increased risk of low birth weight associated with consuming more than 150 milligrams a day.

Keep in mind, too, that caffeine is a drug. Some medications, including Tagamet, Diflucan, Luvox, Mexitil, estrogens and antibiotics like Cipro and Levaquin, interfere with the metabolism of caffeine and can increase its effects.

In other cases, caffeine can enhance the effect of drugs like aspirin and acetaminophen (a benefit for pain relief). Caffeine can be toxic if used with prescribed doses of the antipsychotic medication clozapine. 

KP Wellness

8:50 AM  -  Public
alcohol abuse increased from 7.6 percent before surgery to 9.6 percent after,
Weight-Loss Surgery and Alcohol Abuse »
In a study of bariatric surgery patients, the prevalence of alcohol abuse increased from 7.6 percent before surgery to 9.6 percent after the operation. 

KP Wellness

8:49 AM  -  Public
They found that even after controlling for all these hazards, along with blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetic status, each increase in 10 decibels of traffic noise exposure was associated with a 10 percent greater risk of heart attack.

The link may not be causal, but the researchers suggest two possible mechanisms. “One is that traffic noise disturbs sleep, and you can be disturbed without even realizing it,”  Other kinds of stress may also be a factor, “but we think that noise at night is most dangerous.”
Traffic Noise May Raise Heart Attack Risk »
Researchers found that each increase in 10 decibels of traffic noise exposure was associated with a 10 percent added risk of heart attack. 

KP Wellness

8:48 AM  -  Public
Researchers have discovered that you are more likely to crave bread and other carbohydrates when you are hungry. high-calorie foods stimulate greater activity in reward centers of the brain when people eat them after missing breakfast.

 the lesson is to keep high-calorie foods out of reach, or at least make them less visible in the pantry or kitchen cabinets. Vegetables, salads and fruit should be made more visible and convenient in cafeterias. or offer them in combo meals that balance the amount of starches with protein and vegetables.
Craving Carbs on an Empty Stomach »
A new study shows that people who sit down to eat after an overnight fast are more likely to ignore protein, fats and vegetables and head straight for high-calorie carbohydrates and starches first. 

KP Wellness

8:44 AM  -  Public
An Antioxidant Treat: Make Your Own Green Tea Ice Cream

Originally from China, green tea is noted for its antioxidant properties and is regarded as a “super food.” Some evidence suggests that regular green tea drinkers enjoy a reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Whatever the health benefits, green tea tastes delicious and offers an original flavor for your next batch of homemade ice cream. 

KP Wellness

8:42 AM  -  Public
Grow This: 16 Plants for Your Own Herbal Tea Garden

Mint: Leaves; calming, digestive.
Passionflower: Leaves; relaxing and restful sleep.
Rosehips: Buds after bloom has died; vitamin C boost.
Lemon Balm: Leaves; calming and relaxing.
Chamomile: Buds; relaxing and soothing tummy.
Echinacea: Buds; immune support.
Milk Thistle: Buds; detoxification.
Angelica: Root; digestive support.
Catnip: Leaves; calming.
Raspberry: Leaf; female reproductive support.
Lavender: Buds; calming and soothing.
Nettles: Leaf; detoxifying, nourishing.
Red Clover; Buds; purifying, detoxifying.
Dandelion: Root; live support; blood tonic.
Linden: Flowers; digestive, calming.
Lemongrass: Stalk; calming, relaxing, digestive aid.  

KP Wellness

8:37 AM  -  Public
5 Delicious Smoothie Recipes To Mobilize Belly Fat

Quick and easy to prepare, these smoothie recipes not only contain a variety of refreshing fruits, they pack monounsaturated fatty acids and probiotics --two ingredients that help mobilize belly fat. The addition of chia seeds helps you feel full for at least an hour, not to mention adding valuable blood sugar benefits. These filling, creamy smoothies are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or a Flat Belly snack and each recipe is less than 400 calories per serving.

The 15 Most Powerful Healing Herbs in Your Kitchen



13. SAGE

KP Wellness

8:34 AM  -  Public
9 Powerful Healing Herbs and Spices We Need To Talk More About

Black Pepper
Red Pepper or Cayenne

KP Wellness

8:31 AM  -  Public
Vitamin B: The Happy Vitamin that Packs a Punch

Vitamin B converts food into energy. These nutrients also help the nervous system function properly, enabling the energized body to move in an efficient and coordinated way.

KP Wellness

8:29 AM  -  Public
Vitamin Deficiencies Widespread Across Europe and U.S.

Vitamin deficiencies causes many different types of symptoms and illnesses. We generally assume that these types of deficiencies are confined to third world and underdeveloped nations. However contrary to popular beliefs, this is not the case. Writing in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers reveal that despite the wide range of foods available, many developed countries -- including Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA -- suffer from 'widespread' vitamin inadequacies in the population.

KP Wellness

8:28 AM  -  Public
Apple Peels May Help Increase Muscle and Calories Burned

Ursolic acid from apple peels could help to fight growing waistlines by increasing calories burned, according to new research.

Ursolic acid is present in many plants including apples, basil, bilberries, cranberries, elder flower, peppermint rosemary, lavender, oregano, thyme, hawthorn, prunes. Apple peels contain large quantities of ursolic acid and related compounds.

KP Wellness

8:28 AM  -  Public
Green Banana Flour: Full of Potassium and an Appealing Alternative For Gluten-Free Dieters

People with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities struggle with limited food choices, as their condition makes them unable to tolerate gluten, found in wheat and other grains. Researchers from the University of Brazil have developed a gluten-free pasta product from green banana flour, which tasters found more acceptable than regular whole wheat pasta. The product has less fat and is cheaper to produce than standard pastas.

KP Wellness

8:11 AM  -  Public
Daily walking recommendations typically point to a minimum of 10,000 steps per day.
People who walk a lot have lower risk of diabetes »
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Among people with low physical activity and a high risk of diabetes, those who walk more throughout the day are less likely to actually get the blood sugar disorder, accord... 

KP Wellness

8:08 AM  -  Public
Although the study found an association between high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets and increased risk of cardiovascular problems, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.

diets high in red meat and/or processed meats may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes; colorectal cancer; coronary heart disease; breast cancer; esophageal, liver and lung cancers; and chronic obstructive lung disease,"  " increase levels of bad cholesterol."

"In the meantime, cut back on your intake of meat and other animal-protein sources. Start experimenting with beans, edamame, tofu, nuts and nut butters (such as peanut, almond and cashew butter), low- or nonfat yogurt, cottage cheese and milk," "Pick up the carb intake with 100 percent whole-grain breads, brown rice, quinoa and hefty doses of vegetables, legumes and fruits." 
'Atkins'-Type Diets May Raise Risk of Heart Problems: Study (6/27/2012) | »
'Atkins'-Type Diets May Raise Risk of Heart Problems: Study. Diets rich in plant-based foods a better choice in the long run for women, experts say. By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter. TUESDAY, Jun... 

KP Wellness

8:03 AM  -  Public
I had lived for years on fast-food cheeseburgers, coffee with extra sugar, fries and pasta. Today all that has changed. replaced by yogurt and bananas, salads made of carrots and baby spinach and romaine lettuce and sometimes goat cheese, fresh asparagus and apples, along with plenty of whole-wheat tuna wraps. 
Diabetes diagnosis motivates reporter to change his life »
In eight months, Bob Smietana has dropped more than 40 pounds. 

KP Wellness

7:59 AM  -  Public
Why Soy Protein is Among the Best Protein Supplements | »
Although not as touted by bodybuilding supplement manufacturers as whey protein is, soy protein isolate is an ideal source of protein and has many advantages. 

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