Tuesday, June 19, 2012

HB.Headaches & Food

KP Magazine

  11:56 AM  -  Public
Tension headaches are the most common, and what we think of as normal everyday headaches.
They feel like a dull ache with constant pressure around the front, top and sides of the head as if a rubber band has been stretched around it.
Stress is one cause, but there are lots of others, including drinking too much alcohol, not getting enough sleep, depression, skipping meals and becoming dehydrated.

Migraines are less common. If a headache is recurrent and disabling to the point of stopping you from carrying on with daily life, it may be a migraine.
People describe migraines as a pounding or throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head.
Most people treat their migraines successfully with over-the-counter medication. If they’re severe, however, you may need stronger migraine-specific medication that is only available on prescription from a doctor.
Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are a third type of primary headache. These excruciatingly painful headaches cause an intense pain around one eye. They're rare and are called cluster headaches because they happen in clusters for a month or two at a time around the same time of year.Pharmacy medications don't ease the symptoms of a cluster headache, but a doctor can prescribe specific treatments to ease the pain.

Headaches - NHS Choices »
Find everything you need to know about Headache (Tension-Type) including causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, with links to other useful resources.

KP Magazine

  12:28 PM  -  Public
Welcome to the Jeanne Rose Web Site for all your Aromatherapy Needs »
Jeanne Rose Aromatherapy Studies Course and Herbal Studies Course by Home Study, Correspondence and Retail Sales of Aromatherapy and Herbal Books and Aromatherapy Kits

KP Magazine

  12:18 PM (edited)  -  Public
Let's look at de-stressing your diet six ways:

Keep carbs handy and healthy. Stress hormones behoove us to eat a higher carbohydrate diet, so we want to choose our carbs wisely by choosing foods that give us carbs, plus fiber plus nutrients, like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.

Omega 3s to the rescue again. Although the uplifting effect of Omega 3s on mood hasn't been proven quite yet, plenty of studies suggest a strong connection, particularly for one of the Omega 3s in fish.

Cut the caffeine. One researcher found that when people sensitive to caffeine eliminate it from their diet their mood and energy levels significantly improved.

Eat smaller more frequent meals through the day to provide your body with a consistent supply of energy and help you avoid feeling tired or overly hungry.

Eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast tend to have more consistent moods and are less likely to suffer food cravings later in the day.Alcohol is actually a depressant and overdrinking only adds to the stress in your life.

Headaches from Food: The Connection »
Tension headaches and migraines account for 90% of all headaches. Now, instead of running for the aspirin bottle, WebMD nutrition expert Elaine Magee, MPH, RD, offers advice about what foods you can e...

KP Magazine

  12:12 PM (edited)  -  Public
Are Allergies Causing Your Migraines?Migraines can be triggered by food or environmental allergies. Here's how to recognize the warning signs and get relief.

Allergic rhinitis (seasonal and indoor nasal allergies)
Food allergies.

Headache Migraine & Allergies - Migraine Center - EverydayHealth.com »
Learn how allergies can trigger migraines. Read about treatment options for allergy-induced migraines, from home therapies to medications.

KP Magazine

  12:08 PM (edited)  -  Public
10 foods to cure headaches.
Ginkgo biloba

Black pepper
Infusion drinks
Antioxidants, selenium, magnesium and vitamins

10 Foods to Cure Headaches »
foods to cure headache can actually reduce the incidence of one of the most irritating diseases of our body

KP Magazine

  12:06 PM  -  Public
the following possible dietary triggers:

Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) and other artificial sweeteners; foods with meat tenderizers or yeast or yeast extracts
Caffeine in even in small amounts can trigger a migraine in some people
Chocolate, cocoa, and foods containing nuts
Alcoholic beverages especially red wine, beer, and sherry
Aged, canned, cured, or processed meats such as chicken livers and other organ meats, and sardines. Also foods prepared with nitrates or tyramine can cause problems.
Cultured dairy products such as sour cream or buttermilk
Dried fruits including figs, raisins, and dates
Breads and crackers containing cheese including pizza
Cheese: Blue, Gouda, Gruyere, provolone, and Stilton
Smoked or dried fishCanned soups, or soups made from bouillon or based with MSG

How to Avoid Foods that Trigger Headaches »
The Cleveland Clinic says more than 90% of migraine sufferers say they have to be cautious with cold foods and drinks.

KP Magazine

  12:03 PM  -  Public
Read more: Foods That Help Headaches - Foods for Headache Relief - Woman's Day http://www.womansday.com/health-fitness/conditions-diseases/9-foods-that-can-help-soothe-a-headache-108253

1.. Baked Potato
2. Watermelon
3. Coffee
4. Whole-Grain Toast
5. Almonds

6. Spicy Salsa
7. Yogurt
8. Sesame Seeds
9. Spinach Salad
Foods That Help Headaches - Foods for Headache Relief »
Learn about 9 foods that can provide some relief for headaches, plus get other healthy living tips, at WomansDay.com. 

KP Magazine

  12:39 PM  -  Public
Is my diet to blame for these awful migraines? »
Dr Martin Scurr is one of the country's leading GPs. Here he addresses readers' concerns over a constant migraine and a swollen, stinging leg 

KP Magazine

  12:37 PM  -  Public
Botox for migraines on NHS closer »
The use of Botox to treat chronic migraine on the NHS has moved a step nearer.

KP Magazine

  12:34 PM  -  Public
Cure Migraine Headaches: Nutrition & Supplementation - NaturalNews.tv »
Did you know diet & natural supplements can reduce migraine headache incidences by up to 77%? Dr. Meschino explains which supplements can actually reduce the frequency & severity of migraine h...

KP Magazine

  12:32 PM  -  Public
Supplements and Herbs for Migraine - The Evidence

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
Supplements and Herbs for Migraine | The Migraine Trust »
A variety of natural supplements, vitamins and herbs have been promoted as being helpful for migraine prevention. This fact sheet looks at the evidence for supplements and herbs used in the management...

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